Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Patricia Piccinini Inspired Photo

I first used Google to find my 2 pictures of cats.

I then pasted the background photo which I took in the city in a new Photoshop document and then did the same for the other two.

I then used the lasso tool to select each of my part of the pictures (eg, cat) and delete the rest then I put it in a new layer and moved it around to the right place.

 I then used the erase tool and changed its edge setting so it would make the cats blend into the head and it allowed me to delete parts of the cats with more presicion and then using the colour setting I slowly changed the colour which was very hard as it would get too dark or light.
And then I was finished.
I am really proud of my Patricia Piccinini inspired artwork, as it was really hard to get the right colour and it took a lot of time to get it right.

Patricia Piccinini Inspiration

Patricia Piccinini Inspiration

This photo looks like a car has been rolled up into a ball and then painted with beautiful colours.

I really like the detail in these pictures.
Both the above pictures look like animals playing but there are made from scooters and that is what I like about them.

Even though this photo disgusts me it makes me look back to see the details.

Random Pictures

Random Pictures